Adelacreative - oil paintings and illustrations

Artist and illustrator, a creative at heart. I’m an expat living in Valencia Spain, and showing my art internationally.

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Painting the soul's expressions, inspired by today's human condition

Figurative oil painter

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Through each painting I am trying to convey a feeling beyond our basic existence.

Sometimes Adela’s paintings shock me...not just the provocative concepts, but the skill demonstrated by these mind-grabbing portraits.

Wendy Bale

Adela is a master when it comes to portraiture. I’m in awe at how she mixes skin color, and creates such expression in her paintings.


Adela's art is amazing. I enjoy looking at one of her artworks on my wall all the time. She is also very professional. The painting arrived fast and very well packed.

Inna Malostovker

Latest Exhibitions

Latest exhibitions where Adela showed work.


Centro Cultural Villa de Móstoles, Móstoles, Spain


59 Premio Reina Sofía de Pintura y Escultura
Casa de Vacas, Parque del Buen Retiro, Madrid, Spain


Tierra y Alma
Casa de Cultura José Peris Aragó, Alboraya, Valencia, Spain

the Soul

Oil paintings inspired by today's human condition and hidden feelings.

To paint a pretty painting is not my goal. My paintings need to have a meaning other than delighting the viewer. They need to evoke the depth behind the mask that's our face and connect to our collective soul.

My process


Setting up the scene

After directing the photos, I choose only a few of them to take into Photoshop and create different compositions with them.


Painting from composition

I have my canvas setup next to my computer screen, and go back and forward between the composition and canvas, as the painting develops.

Watch me paint

All videos available on my YouTube channel

Part of my process is recording myself painting. I love to watch at a later time and see the painting develop as time passed.

About me

Artist and illustrator, creative at heart. Logical and creative mind combined. Find out more about my journey through life and art.

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